M&ESURE Research and Evaluation is a social science evaluation and research consultancy based in Cape Town, South Africa. They have over two decades of cumulative experience in providing support in monitoring and evaluation of social programmes in Africa. The team is dedicated to improving social programmes implemented by government departments, academic institutions, civil society organisations (e.g. NGOs) and development partners.

Evidence for Solutions (E4S) is an independent research company from Azerbaijan that specializes in quantitative research and evaluation. Together with INESAN, E4S has a similar methodological and research-thematic focus and develops cooperation with universities and NGOs.

The Institute for Population and Human Studies (IPHS) focuses on conducting demographic and psychological research aimed at revealing the patterns and determinants of the development and reproduction of the Bulgarian population, as well as the psychological development and realization of the individual. The research strategy of the Institute is aimed at assisting institutions in solving problems of demographic and personal development in the context of European integration and current global trends.

Macedonian Evaluation Network (MEN) is a major evaluation company in North Macedonia. It is a non-profit organization focused on evaluations of projects, programs, and government policies. MEN is part of the Association of Evaluators in the Balkan Peninsula. Due to its similar focus, evaluation, which is also addressed by INESAN, it was selected as a suitable partner for know-how transfer.

The Universidad Iberoamericana (IBERO) is recognized as one of Mexico's top private educational institutions, known in Mexico and abroad for the high quality of its curricula. IBERO's fundamental objective is to protect, disseminate and improve higher education by preparing the professionals, teachers, researchers and technicians that our society needs.

The Institute of Economic Sciences (IES) is a scientific research organization funded by the Government of the Republic of Serbia, located in Belgrade. The research and scientific work of the Institute covers various fields of social sciences: political science, sociology, philosophy, history, law and theology.

The project, Values and Identities identities of the Visegrad countries’ capitals, is a part of such research initiatives. It was run initiated with the support of the International Visegrad Fund; and the research team involves researchers from Czechia (INESAN – Institute for Evaluations and Social Analyses), Slovakia (Institute for Sociology, Slovak Academy of Sciences), Hungary (Faculty of Social Sciences, Eötvös Loránd University) and Poland (Faculty of Christian Philosophy, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw). The main motivation of the research was based on the knowledge that the capitals indicate different behaviour and attitudes by its inhabitants in various spheres. The differences are most obvious, among other things, in the sphere of electoral behaviour.