INESAN (Institute of Evaluations and Social Analyzes) is the first private scientific research organization in the field of social sciences founded in the Czech Republic. It was established in accordance with the rules set by the European Union (Community Framework ) and Act No. 130/2002 Coll., On the Support of Research, Experimental Development and Innovation. It is registered in the List of Research Organizations maintained by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MŠMT).

We focus on basic research, applied research and experimental development and dissemination of results through publishing, outreach and technology or knowledge transfer, with all profits being reinvested back into these activities. We also carry out contract research and consultancy.

We continuously publish the results of INESAN’s research and evaluation activities in the professional press and present them at professional conferences. We also cooperate with selected academic workplaces and with public administration bodies in their decision-making and management activities. The publications, expertise, expert opinions and opinions we issue contain the independent view of our experts and are not influenced by the attitudes of donors or clients.

Our employees are researchers with long-term experience in the fields of social science research methodology, evaluation, social work, economics, public policy and social geography and they follow the INESAN´s Code of Ethics.

We have our own network of more than 800 interviewers throughout the Czech Republic; a research laboratory, which includes, among other things, specialized world-leading software for testing and validation of scales, eye camera or equipment monitoring individual reactions through sensors (galvanic skin response), polygraph and other instrumentation needed for successful project implementation; modern computer technology, including adequate SW equipment; a library of several thousand books and more than 25,000 papers focused mainly on research methodology, management studies, organizational culture, evaluation and other thematic areas developed at INESAN. We are a subscriber to a number of peer-reviewed Czech and foreign journals (eg Evaluation, New Directions for Evaluations, International Journal of Public Opinion Research, Survey Methodology); we also have our own range of working papers and we are the publisher of a professional journal focused on evaluation theory and practice, which is included in the List of peer-reviewed non-impact journals published in the Czech Republic.

Within our organizational structure, we have established a Knowledge Transfer Unit, the scope of which includes support for the applicability of results achieved within individual basic and applied research projects, knowledge transfer administration and cross-sectoral cooperation. The activities of the Unit are proactively focused on the ex-ante specification of individual project plans (so that their setting and form does not create unnecessary obstacles to possible transfer in the future) and the results themselves. The unit also actively establishes partnerships of the research organization with relevant subjects from the application practice and seeks opportunities for the application of already achieved knowledge.

We also hold the HR Excellence in Research Award (HRS4R), which was received in 2020; at the same time, we hold a certificate of successful completion of the Gender Audit (obtained in 2017 and renewed in 2021).

INESAN is thus one of the institutions that supports the career growth of its employees, takes care of work-life balance, prevents any form of discrimination and creates a suitable environment and working conditions for all its employees.