Research-evaluation projects

11. 11. 2022

Lazarsfeld´s Approach to Researching Audience

Main purpose of this chapter is to show and describe in detail how P. F. Lazarsfeld contributed to the development of research methods and techniques within the field of media studies.
11. 11. 2022

Stakeholders Identification Methods

Proper and comprehensive identification of all stakeholders is not only the issue in participative evaluation but having ethical and epistemological relevance it is highly important in all evaluative inquiries. To identify (and further analyze) the stakeholders is crucial part in evaluation. Presentation focuses on the current practice of stakeholders’ identification. It shows the way how to conduct this part of evaluation, offers the range of methods that might be used for stakeholders´ identification (e.g., snowball, brainstorming or the systems approach).
11. 11. 2022


The objective of the research was to collect data on perception of corruption in the ESI funds and compare the perception between the various stakeholders as part of ESI funds (i.e., employees of the implementation structure, applicants, workgroup members and persons involved in the management). Research results allow for indirect verification of the functionality of the established anti-corruption measures through identifying risk areas in terms of occurrence of corruption as part of implementation of the ESI funds.
11. 11. 2022

Co‐production as an Innovative Framework for Impact Evaluation

The aim of presentation is to introduce the framework of co-production as an innovative methodological approach to impact evaluation and critically assess its main strengths and weaknesses.
11. 11. 2022

Methodological Peculiarities of Needs Assessment

This article focuses attention on the importance of needs that are understood as a criterium for the evaluation of usefulness. The text proposes a usable conceptual framing of what evidence might be collected.
11. 11. 2022

Methodological advances of the needs assessment

The aim of presentation is to propose advanced knowledge about an intervention performance and its effects on beneficiaries. Replicable and easy-to-follow solution in a form of recommended guidelines is offered. Discrimination of needs from other constructs (wants, preferences, and demand) is documented with examples from social services.